Here are some of the most informative, exciting, exotic and inspiring tutorials I have found as part of my research. They cover mostly microelectronics, but I will include anything I find interesting and appealing.
Devised by the Tokyo Hackerspace, this is a solar powered lantern made from a mason jar and leds. They used to sell a kit, but donated their supply to the survivors of the Sendai earthquake to light up their lives after the disaster. If you’re planning a trip to Japan, their guide to the Akihabara district is an absolute must-read!
I could probably fill an entire website with all the cool tutorials available on the Adafruit website, but I particularly like this one on using EL wire, as it completely de-mystifies the process of soldering EL wire to other connectors.
Tom’s Tips: Making a sacrifice
A RepRapper after my own heart Thomas Sanladerer has his own Youtube channel where he posts reviews, tutorials and tips about all things 3D printing related. This is probably my favourite video – combining recycling and re-using by taking apart an old printer for spare parts. We all have ancient electronics lurking in the basement, so let’s do something with them rather than just creating more landfill!
RichRap: Tie Dyeing Nylon Filament for 3D printing
I found this cool tutorial while browsing fellow 3D printing blog RichRap. It’s a very thorough look at how to dye and print with Taulman Nylon filament – the results are amazing and the possibilities to experiment with this technique beckon endlessly!
Short Tutorial: Measuring Current Draw
Another aspect of microelectronics is demystified: clear instructions on how to measure the amount of current your project draws with a multimeter. Basic knowledge you say – sure, if you know where to find it…
Crimping: Using large Electrical Crimp Connectors
Whilst putting the electronics of my Filastruder together I first ran into large electrical crimp connectors. I had seen them around, but dismissed them instantly because of their size. However, they can be really hand for larger projects, and here is a great tutorial on how to use them correctly. Check out his other tutorials too – they are great!
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